Source code for

""" Agentpy Network Module """

import itertools
import networkx as nx
from .objects import Object
from .sequences import AgentList, AgentIter, AttrIter
from .tools import make_list

[docs]class AgentNode(set): """ Node of :class:`Network`. Functions like a set of agents. """ # TODO Connector between AgentNode attributes and the networkx attr dict def __init__(self, label): self.label = label def __hash__(self): return id(self) def __repr__(self): return f"AgentNode ({self.label})"
[docs]class Network(Object): """ Agent environment with a graph topology. Every node of the network is a :class:`AgentNode` that can hold multiple agents as well as node attributes. This class can be used as a parent class for custom network types. All agentpy model objects call the method :func:`setup` after creation, and can access class attributes like dictionary items. Arguments: model (Model): The model instance. graph (networkx.Graph, optional): The environments' graph. Can also be a DiGraph, MultiGraph, or MultiDiGraph. Nodes will be converted to :class:`AgentNode`, with their original label being kept as `AgentNode.label`. If none is passed, an empty :class:`networkx.Graph` is created. **kwargs: Will be forwarded to :func:`Network.setup`. Attributes: graph (networkx.Graph): The network's graph instance. agents (AgentIter): Iterator over the network's agents. nodes (AttrIter): Iterator over the network's nodes. """ def __init__(self, model, graph=None, **kwargs): super().__init__(model) self._i = -1 # Node label counter self.positions = {} # Agent Instance : Node reference if graph is None: self.graph = nx.Graph() else: nodes = graph.nodes self._i = len(nodes) mapping = {i: AgentNode(label=i) for i in nodes} self.graph = nx.relabel_nodes(graph, mapping=mapping) self._set_var_ignore() self.setup(**kwargs) @property def agents(self): return AgentIter(self.model, self.positions.keys()) @property def nodes(self): return AttrIter(self.graph.nodes) # Add and remove nodes -------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def add_node(self, label=None): """ Adds a new node to the network. Arguments: label (int or string, optional): Unique name of the node, which must be different from all other nodes. If none is passed, an integer number will be chosen. Returns: AgentNode: The newly created node. """ self._i += 1 if label is None: label = self._i node = AgentNode(label=label) self.graph.add_node(node) return node
[docs] def remove_node(self, node): """ Removes a node from the network. Arguments: node (AgentNode): Node to be removed. """ self.remove_agents(node) self.graph.remove_node(node)
# Add and remove agents ------------------------------------------------- #
[docs] def add_agents(self, agents, positions=None): """ Adds agents to the network environment. Arguments: agents (Sequence of Agent): Instance or iterable of agents to be added. positions (Sequence of AgentNode, optional): The positions of the agents. Must have the same length as 'agents', with each entry being an :class:`AgentNode` of the network. If none is passed, new nodes will be created for each agent. """ if positions is None: for agent in agents: node = self.add_node() node.add(agent) self.positions[agent] = node else: for agent, node in zip(agents, positions): node.add(agent) self.positions[agent] = node
[docs] def remove_agents(self, agents): """ Removes agents from the network. """ for agent in make_list(agents): self.positions[agent].remove(agent) del self.positions[agent]
# Move and select agents ------------------------------------------------ #
[docs] def move_to(self, agent, node): """ Moves agent to new position. Arguments: agent (Agent): Instance of the agent. node (AgentNode): New position of the agent. """ node.add(agent) self.positions[agent].remove(agent) self.positions[agent] = node
[docs] def neighbors(self, agent): """ Select agents from neighboring nodes. Does not include other agents from the agents' own node. Arguments: agent (Agent): Instance of the agent. Returns: AgentIter: Iterator over the selected neighbors. """ # TODO Improve nodes = self.graph.neighbors(self.positions[agent]) return AgentIter(self.model, itertools.chain.from_iterable(nodes))