Agent-based models

The Model contains all objects and defines the procedures of an agent-based simulation. It is meant as a template for custom model classes that override the custom procedure methods.

class Model(parameters=None, _run_id=None, **kwargs)[source]

Template of an agent-based model.

  • parameters (dict, optional) –

    Dictionary of the model’s parameters. Default values will be selected from entries of type Range, IntRange, and Values. The following parameters will be used automatically:

    • steps (int, optional): Defines the maximum number of time-steps. If none is passed, there will be no step limit.

    • seed (int, optional): Used to initiate the model’s random number generators. If none is passed, a random seed will be generated.

    • report_seed (bool, optional): Whether to document the random seed used (default True).

  • **kwargs – Will be forwarded to Model.setup().

  • type (str) – The model’s class name.

  • info (InfoStr) – Information about the model’s current state.

  • p (AttrDict) – The model’s parameters.

  • t (int) – Current time-step of the model.

  • id (int) – The model’s object id, which will always be zero.

  • random (random.Random) – Random number generator.

  • nprandom (numpy.random.Generator) – Numpy random number generator.

  • var_keys (list) – Names of the model’s custom variables.

  • running (bool) – Indicates whether the model is currently running.

  • log (dict) – The model’s recorded variables.

  • reporters (dict) – The model’s documented reporters.

  • output (DataDict) – Output data after a completed simulation.


To define a custom model with a custom agent type:

class MyAgent(ap.Agent):

    def setup(self):
        # Initialize an attribute with a parameter
        self.my_attribute = self.p.my_parameter

    def agent_method(self):
        # Define custom actions here

class MyModel(ap.Model):

    def setup(self):
        # Called at the start of the simulation
        self.agents = ap.AgentList(self, self.p.agents, MyAgent)

    def step(self):
        # Called at every simulation step
        self.agents.agent_method()  # Call a method for every agent

    def update(self):
        # Called after setup as well as after each step
        self.agents.record('my_attribute')  # Record variable

    def end(self):
        # Called at the end of the simulation'my_reporter', 1)  # Report a simulation result

To run a simulation:

parameters = {
    'my_parameter': 42,
    'agents': 10,
    'steps': 10  # Used automatically to define simulation length

model = MyModel(parameters)
results =

Simulation tools, seed=None, display=True)[source]

Executes the simulation of the model. Can also be used to continue a partly-run simulation for a given number of additional steps.

It starts by calling Model.run_setup() and then calls Model.run_step() until the method Model.stop() is called or steps is reached. After that, Model.end() and Model.create_output() are called. The simulation results can be found in Model.output.

  • steps (int, optional) – Number of (additional) steps for the simulation to run. If passed, the parameter ‘Model.p.steps’ will be ignored. The simulation can still be stopped with :func:’Model.stop’.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed to initialize the model’s random number generators. If none is given, the parameter ‘Model.p.seed’ is used. If there is no such parameter, a random seed will be used. For a partly-run simulation, this argument will be ignored.

  • display (bool, optional) – Whether to display simulation progress (default True).


Recorded variables and reporters.

Return type



Stops during an active simulation.

Custom procedures


Defines the model’s actions before the first simulation step. Can be overwritten to initiate agents and environments.


Defines the model’s actions during each simulation step (excluding t==0). Can be overwritten to define the models’ main dynamics.


Defines the model’s actions after each simulation step (including t==0). Can be overwritten for the recording of dynamic variables.


Defines the model’s actions after the last simulation step. Can be overwritten for final calculations and reporting.

Data collection

Model.record(var_keys, value=None)

Records an object’s variables at the current time-step. Recorded variables can be accessed via the object’s log attribute and will be saved to the model’s output at the end of a simulation.

  • var_keys (str or list of str) – Names of the variables to be recorded.

  • value (optional) – Value to be recorded. The same value will be used for all var_keys. If none is given, the values of object attributes with the same name as each var_key will be used.


Recording mutable objects like lists can lead to wrong results if the object’s content will be changed during the simulation. Make a copy of the list or record each list entry seperately.


Record the existing attributes x and y of an object a:

a.record(['x', 'y'])

Record a variable z with the value 1 for an object a:

a.record('z', 1)

Record all variables of an object:

a.record(a.vars), value=None)[source]

Reports a new simulation result. Reporters are meant to be ‘summary statistics’ or ‘evaluation measures’ of the simulation as a whole, and only one value can be stored per run. In comparison, variables that are recorded with Model.record() can be recorded multiple times for each time-step and object.

  • rep_keys (str or list of str) – Name(s) of the reporter(s) to be documented.

  • value (int or float, optional) – Value to be reported. The same value will be used for all rep_keys. If none is given, the values of object attributes with the same name as each rep_key will be used.


Store a reporter x with a value 42:'x', 42)

Define a custom model that stores a reporter sum_id with the sum of all agent ids at the end of the simulation:

class MyModel(ap.Model):
    def setup(self):
        agents = ap.AgentList(self, self.p.agents)
    def end(self):'sum_id', sum(

Running an experiment over different numbers of agents for this model yields the following datadict of reporters:

>>> sample = ap.sample({'agents': (1, 3)}, 3)
>>> exp = ap.Experiment(MyModel, sample)
>>> results =
>>> results.reporters
0            1
1            3
2            6


classmethod Model.as_function(**kwargs)[source]

Converts the model into a function that can be used with the ema_workbench library.


**kwargs – Additional keyword arguments that will passed to the model in addition to the parameters.


The model as a function that takes parameter values as keyword arguments and returns a dictionary of reporters.

Return type
