Source code for agentpy.examples

import agentpy as ap
import numpy as np

def gini(x):

    """ Calculate Gini Coefficient """
    # By Warren Weckesser

    x = np.array(x)
    mad = np.abs(np.subtract.outer(x, x)).mean()  # Mean absolute difference
    rmad = mad / np.mean(x)  # Relative mean absolute difference
    return 0.5 * rmad

class WealthAgent(ap.Agent):

    """ An agent with wealth """

    def setup(self):

        self.wealth = 1

    def wealth_transfer(self):

        if self.wealth > 0:

            partner = self.model.agents.random()
            partner.wealth += 1
            self.wealth -= 1

[docs]class WealthModel(ap.Model): """ Demonstration model of random wealth transfers. See Also: Notebook in the model library: :doc:`agentpy_wealth_transfer` Arguments: parameters (dict): - agents (int): Number of agents. - steps (int, optional): Number of time-steps. """ def setup(self): self.agents = ap.AgentList(self, self.p.agents, WealthAgent) def step(self): self.agents.wealth_transfer() def update(self): self.gini = gini(self.agents.wealth) self.record('gini') def end(self):'gini')
class SegregationAgent(ap.Agent): def setup(self): """ Initiate agent attributes. """ self.grid = self.model.grid self.random = self.model.random = self.random.choice(range(self.p.n_groups)) self.share_similar = 0 self.happy = False def update_happiness(self): """ Be happy if rate of similar neighbors is high enough. """ neighbors = self.grid.neighbors(self) similar = len([n for n in neighbors if ==]) ln = len(neighbors) self.share_similar = similar / ln if ln > 0 else 0 self.happy = self.share_similar >= self.p.want_similar def find_new_home(self): """ Move to random free spot and update free spots. """ new_spot = self.random.choice(self.model.grid.empty) self.grid.move_to(self, new_spot)
[docs]class SegregationModel(ap.Model): """ Demonstration model of segregation dynamics. See Also: Notebook in the model library: :doc:`agentpy_segregation` Arguments: parameters (dict): - want_similar (float): Percentage of similar neighbors for agents to be happy - n_groups (int): Number of groups - density (float): Density of population - size (int): Height and length of the grid - steps (int, optional): Maximum number of steps """ def setup(self): # Parameters s = self.p.size n = self.n = int(self.p.density * (s ** 2)) # Create grid and agents self.grid = ap.Grid(self, (s, s), track_empty=True) self.agents = ap.AgentList(self, n, SegregationAgent) self.grid.add_agents(self.agents, random=True, empty=True) def update(self): # Update list of unhappy people self.agents.update_happiness() self.unhappy = == False) # Stop simulation if all are happy if len(self.unhappy) == 0: self.stop() def step(self): # Move unhappy people to new location self.unhappy.find_new_home() def get_segregation(self): # Calculate average percentage of similar neighbors return round(sum(self.agents.share_similar) / self.n, 2) def end(self): # Measure segregation at the end of the simulation'segregation', self.get_segregation())