Source code for agentpy.visualization

Agentpy Visualization Module
Content: Animations and Gridplot

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from matplotlib.colors import to_rgba
from matplotlib.animation import FuncAnimation
from SALib.analyze import sobol

from .tools import make_list, param_tuples_to_salib

[docs]def animate(model, fig, axs, plot, steps=None, seed=None, skip=0, fargs=(), **kwargs): """ Returns an animation of the model simulation, using :func:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation`. Arguments: model (Model): The model instance. fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure): Figure for the animation. axs (matplotlib.axes.Axes or list): Axis or list of axis of the figure. plot (function): Function that takes the arguments `model, axs, *fargs` and creates the desired plots on each axis at each time-step. steps(int, optional): Number of (additional) steps for the simulation to run. If passed, the parameter 'Model.p.steps' will be ignored. The simulation can still be stopped with :func:'Model.stop'. If there is no step-limit through either this argument or the parameter 'Model.p.steps', the animation will stop at t=10000. seed (int, optional): Seed for the models random number generators. If none is given, the parameter 'Model.p.seed' will be used. If there is no such parameter, a random seed will be used. skip (int, optional): Steps to skip before the animation starts (default 0). fargs (tuple, optional): Forwarded fo the `plot` function. **kwargs: Forwarded to :func:`matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation`. Examples: An animation can be generated as follows:: def my_plot(model, ax): pass # Call pyplot functions here fig, ax = plt.subplots() my_model = MyModel(parameters) animation = ap.animate(my_model, fig, ax, my_plot) One way to display the resulting animation object in Jupyter:: from IPython.display import HTML HTML(animation.to_jshtml()) """ model.sim_setup(steps, seed) model.create_output() pre_steps = 0 for _ in range(skip): model.sim_step() def frames(): nonlocal model, pre_steps if model.running is True: while model.running: if pre_steps < 2: # Frames iterates twice before starting plot pre_steps += 1 else: model.sim_step() model.create_output() yield model.t else: # Yield current if model stops before the animation starts yield model.t def update(t, m, axs, *fargs): # noqa nonlocal pre_steps for ax in make_list(axs): # Clear axes before each plot ax.clear() plot(m, axs, *fargs) # Perform plot save_count = 10000 if model._steps is np.nan else model._steps + 1 ani = FuncAnimation( fig, update, frames=frames, fargs=(model, axs, *fargs), save_count=save_count, # Limits animation to 100 steps otherwise **kwargs) # noqa plt.close() # Don't display static plot return ani
def _apply_colors(grid, color_dict, convert): if color_dict is not None: if None in color_dict: def func(v): return color_dict[None] if np.isnan(v) else color_dict[v] else: def func(v): return np.nan if np.isnan(v) else color_dict[v] grid = np.vectorize(func)(grid) if convert is True: def func(v): # TODO Can be improved if isinstance(v, str): if v == 'nan': return 0., 0., 0., 0. else: return to_rgba(v) elif np.isnan(v): return 0., 0., 0., 0. else: return to_rgba(v) grid = np.vectorize(func)(grid) grid = np.moveaxis(grid, 0, 2) return grid
[docs]def gridplot(grid, color_dict=None, convert=False, ax=None, **kwargs): """ Visualizes values on a two-dimensional grid with :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Arguments: grid (numpy.array): Two-dimensional array with values. numpy.nan values will be plotted as empty patches. color_dict (dict, optional): Dictionary that translates each value in `grid` to a color specification. If there is an entry `None`, it will be used for all NaN values. convert (bool, optional): Convert values to rgba vectors, using :func:`matplotlib.colors.to_rgba` (default False). ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axis, optional): Axis to be used for plot. **kwargs: Forwarded to :func:`matplotlib.pyplot.imshow`. Returns: :class:`matplotlib.image.AxesImage` """ # TODO Make feature for legend if color_dict is not None or convert: grid = _apply_colors(grid, color_dict, convert) if ax: im = ax.imshow(grid, **kwargs) else: im = plt.imshow(grid, **kwargs) return im