
animate(model, fig, axs, plot, steps=None, seed=None, skip=0, fargs=(), **kwargs)[source]

Returns an animation of the model simulation, using matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation().

  • model (Model) – The model instance.

  • fig (matplotlib.figure.Figure) – Figure for the animation.

  • axs (matplotlib.axes.Axes or list) – Axis or list of axis of the figure.

  • plot (function) – Function that takes the arguments model, axs, *fargs and creates the desired plots on each axis at each time-step.

  • steps (int, optional) – Number of (additional) steps for the simulation to run. If passed, the parameter ‘Model.p.steps’ will be ignored. The simulation can still be stopped with :func:’Model.stop’. If there is no step-limit through either this argument or the parameter ‘Model.p.steps’, the animation will stop at t=10000.

  • seed (int, optional) – Seed for the models random number generators. If none is given, the parameter ‘Model.p.seed’ will be used. If there is no such parameter, a random seed will be used.

  • skip (int, optional) – Steps to skip before the animation starts (default 0).

  • fargs (tuple, optional) – Forwarded fo the plot function.

  • **kwargs – Forwarded to matplotlib.animation.FuncAnimation().


An animation can be generated as follows:

def my_plot(model, ax):
    pass  # Call pyplot functions here

fig, ax = plt.subplots()
my_model = MyModel(parameters)
animation = ap.animate(my_model, fig, ax, my_plot)

One way to display the resulting animation object in Jupyter:

from IPython.display import HTML
gridplot(grid, color_dict=None, convert=False, ax=None, **kwargs)[source]

Visualizes values on a two-dimensional grid with matplotlib.pyplot.imshow().

  • grid (numpy.array) – Two-dimensional array with values. numpy.nan values will be plotted as empty patches.

  • color_dict (dict, optional) – Dictionary that translates each value in grid to a color specification. If there is an entry None, it will be used for all NaN values.

  • convert (bool, optional) – Convert values to rgba vectors, using matplotlib.colors.to_rgba() (default False).

  • ax (matplotlib.pyplot.axis, optional) – Axis to be used for plot.

  • **kwargs – Forwarded to matplotlib.pyplot.imshow().

