
Agent-based models can contain multiple agents of different types. This module provides a base class Agent that is meant to be used as a template to create custom agent types. Initial variables should be defined by overriding Agent.setup().

class Agent(model, *args, **kwargs)[source]

Template for an individual agent.

  • id (int) – Unique identifier of the agent.

  • log (dict) – Recorded variables of the agent.

  • type (str) – Class name of the agent.

  • model (Model) – The model instance.

  • p (AttrDict) – The model parameters.

  • vars (list of str) – Names of the agent’s custom variables.

record(var_keys, value=None)

Records an object’s variables at the current time-step. Recorded variables can be accessed via the object’s log attribute and will be saved to the model’s output at the end of a simulation.

  • var_keys (str or list of str) – Names of the variables to be recorded.

  • value (optional) – Value to be recorded. The same value will be used for all var_keys. If none is given, the values of object attributes with the same name as each var_key will be used.


Recording mutable objects like lists can lead to wrong results if the object’s content will be changed during the simulation. Make a copy of the list or record each list entry seperately.


Record the existing attributes x and y of an object a:

a.record(['x', 'y'])

Record a variable z with the value 1 for an object a:

a.record('z', 1)

Record all variables of an object:


This empty method is called automatically at the objects’ creation. Can be overwritten in custom sub-classes to define initial attributes and actions.


**kwargs – Keyword arguments that have been passed to Agent or Model.add_agents(). If the original setup method is used, they will be set as attributes of the object.


The following setup initializes an object with three variables:

def setup(self, y):
    self.x = 0  # Value defined locally
    self.y = y  # Value defined in kwargs
    self.z = self.p.z  # Value defined in parameters